Sunday, April 28, 2019

The World of Shoes

Nike MAG Back To the Future (2016)    Shoes are something that we use everyday and some would even consider them to be a basic need. However there is a world of shoes that has yet to be discovered by most people. If you ask five different people what they think of shoes they will all give you a different answer, this also goes with asking some people whats the most they would be willing to pay for a pair of shoes.  Within this world there lives people who are willing to pay an observed amount of money in order to buy certain pairs of shoes. Some shoes will go for more than 20,000 dollars on certain reselling sneaker websites like stockx, goat, and grailed. All of these sites are places where people go in order to buy and sell shoes. The shoes that are bought are shoes that were already bought by people but resold for more money. Some people don't understand why this is a thing or that it is unfair. However when you want a pair of shoes that sells out in under a minute people will flip the price and raise it up a lot knowing that there are many people that are willing to pay high prices. Also people will sell shoes that are a lot older which is why they are able to sell them for more because they are no longer available to buy. But this is the live of many people. there are people that will camp out over night in order to get certain pairs of shoes knowing that there are people that will want to buy the shoes from them. Not all shoes are this hyped but there is a world where these shoes are able to exist.

How Companies are able to target consumers

Image result for snickers ads      All ads no matter the brand have the goal of getting you to buy more of whatever they are advertising. Not all brands are able to get you to buy their stuff but there are hidden tricks as to how these brands first intrigue you with their ads. There are things in ads that you ares sometimes unable to even notice that are out there in order to get you to feel more compelled to get the product. Take for instance this Snickers bar commercial. At first when you see it you think it is funny that they miss spelled things in order to convey the problem to you of what happens to you when you are hungry. However this is a technique that helps them to gain more costumes that wouldn't normally buy the product. This ad gets to you as a physiological need because you want the product more because it is a food. Another technique that they use in this ad is Plain Folks. In this ad they say that it is hard to spell when you are hungry and even spell Snickers wrong on the wrapper. This sentence goes with their commonly known phrase "You're not you when you are hungry" which conveys to customers who know they can be hangry when they don't have food. At the same time in this ad they are using Simple Solution to get customers to want to buy more snickers. They claim that once you eat a snicker you will be able to spell right again once you have ate.
     Not all ads try to get you to buy their goods the same way that snickers does, but the next time you are watching a commercial or looking at a ad try and look to see how they are supporting their product in a deeper way.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Frontline Marketing Documentary

Image result for song airlines logo

      Overall I really enjoyed this Documentary. It showed me many methods of marketing that I had not yet been introduced too. For this reason I felt that the Documentary was a powerful piece of material. From the Documentary I was able to learn that in oder to create something that you want people to buy you have to create something that appeals all peoples interest. For instance when creating a airline you need to create a image for yourself that lets your customers know exactly what you stand for. This in turn creates a larger amount of customers because of how many people will like the image that reflect upon yourself. I was also able to learn that in order to create something that will last you have to be willing to take risks that may not always pay off. Like for instance Song airlines put out commercials that didn't even hint to the fact that they were a airline. This was a risky more that would have helped to pay off extremely had it worked. Because of their bad idea to try advertise their airline without actually showing a plane they got them very few costumes and  caused for them to be around for less than 5 years. The last important thing that I learned form the Documentary is that focus groups are a great way to understand how the public feels about a certain thing. This is because with focus groups everyone is aloud to say exactly what ever they want that expresses how they feel about the certain thing.  Once you have everyones say about the thing you are then able to modify your product before releasing it to the public to insure that more people are going to like what it is that you are putting forth.

Two articles with one topic but with different writing methods

Image result for notre dame fire causeWith relations to a fire burning down part of the Notre Dame Cathedral two articles take similar approaches to discuss what exactly happened.  The first article from CBS said that the fire was may have been caused from a computer glitch however more than 40 people are being questioned. The article went on to say that more than a billion dollars has been donated in order to help rebuild the Cathedral. While on the other hand the other article by ABC takes a different approach to talking about the fire at the Cathedral. At first they talk about all the good things that the fire fighters have been able to with relations to the fire. This includes discussing how the fire fighters were able to save Jesus' thorn crown from being burned down. They also first included the fact that after four days of fire fighters working on the fire they have successfully been able to stop all of the burning points of the fire. However They say differently a computer glitch "may" have played a role in spreading the fire. Through this they further more show their different style of writing by ending their article with an incomplete thought. This is different from the first article because in the first article they directly said that the computer glitch had been caused by a compute glitch where as the second article says that the fire wasn't started by the glitch but spread because of it.

Politics and the English Language

Image result for george orwell writing rules

I agree with most aspects of what George Orwell has to say about reading and writing through the generations. I feel that over time some people have become worse with their writing skills, but others have definitely become better. Over time people have become lazier when it comes to their writing. I also agree with him with the fact that "language is a natural growth and not an instrument which we shape for our own purpose". I agree with this because our idea of what is the right and wrong way of writing is all determined by what we read and how we see other people writing. When we see other people writing and we like the way they do it we will try to do it in the same way. however when we like someone else's writing and it is actually not a good way of writing this makes our own writing worse. This in turn leads for people that like our method of writing to start writing in the same bad way that we are. For these reason I agree with what George Orwell says in his writing however I feel that he does contradict himself in his own writing. At certain parts of his own writing he does stuff that goes against everything that he believes in. This causes me to become partially confused to whether or not he understands what he is even saying.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

How does Social Media impact you?

When you think of social you probably think of twitter Snapchat and other platforms like that, but there is more to social media then just that. Social media is something that controls a big part of my life for the better and for the worse. When I think of social media I think of any platform where you are able to communicate with other people. It is helpful when it comes to being able to talk to my friends that I don’t normally talk to much at school as well as help me to communicate with classmates when I need help with homework. But social media does have its negative effects. Some nights I will stay up to late on my phone looking at social media causing for me to lose valuable hours of sleep. Other times I will say just five more minutes of looking at Instagram which leads to me spending 30+ minutes on my phone procrastinating and complaining about how much homework I have. With me I feel that social media also helps to catch up on people’s lives or create friendships with people that you’re too awkward to talk to in person. But the effects that social media have on people is a problem that is a worry for future generations. As I look around the world I see that children younger and younger are beginning to start social media before the “required” age. This problem is leading to younger people becoming reliant on social media much faster. This in turn effects how they think based on what they see online. To conclude I am worried that as time goes on future generations will become worse and worse as their range of thinking lessens due to over exposure to social media.