Sunday, April 28, 2019

How Companies are able to target consumers

Image result for snickers ads      All ads no matter the brand have the goal of getting you to buy more of whatever they are advertising. Not all brands are able to get you to buy their stuff but there are hidden tricks as to how these brands first intrigue you with their ads. There are things in ads that you ares sometimes unable to even notice that are out there in order to get you to feel more compelled to get the product. Take for instance this Snickers bar commercial. At first when you see it you think it is funny that they miss spelled things in order to convey the problem to you of what happens to you when you are hungry. However this is a technique that helps them to gain more costumes that wouldn't normally buy the product. This ad gets to you as a physiological need because you want the product more because it is a food. Another technique that they use in this ad is Plain Folks. In this ad they say that it is hard to spell when you are hungry and even spell Snickers wrong on the wrapper. This sentence goes with their commonly known phrase "You're not you when you are hungry" which conveys to customers who know they can be hangry when they don't have food. At the same time in this ad they are using Simple Solution to get customers to want to buy more snickers. They claim that once you eat a snicker you will be able to spell right again once you have ate.
     Not all ads try to get you to buy their goods the same way that snickers does, but the next time you are watching a commercial or looking at a ad try and look to see how they are supporting their product in a deeper way.

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