Overall I really enjoyed this Documentary. It showed me many methods of marketing that I had not yet been introduced too. For this reason I felt that the Documentary was a powerful piece of material. From the Documentary I was able to learn that in oder to create something that you want people to buy you have to create something that appeals all peoples interest. For instance when creating a airline you need to create a image for yourself that lets your customers know exactly what you stand for. This in turn creates a larger amount of customers because of how many people will like the image that reflect upon yourself. I was also able to learn that in order to create something that will last you have to be willing to take risks that may not always pay off. Like for instance Song airlines put out commercials that didn't even hint to the fact that they were a airline. This was a risky more that would have helped to pay off extremely had it worked. Because of their bad idea to try advertise their airline without actually showing a plane they got them very few costumes and caused for them to be around for less than 5 years. The last important thing that I learned form the Documentary is that focus groups are a great way to understand how the public feels about a certain thing. This is because with focus groups everyone is aloud to say exactly what ever they want that expresses how they feel about the certain thing. Once you have everyones say about the thing you are then able to modify your product before releasing it to the public to insure that more people are going to like what it is that you are putting forth.
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