Thursday, April 11, 2019

How does Social Media impact you?

When you think of social you probably think of twitter Snapchat and other platforms like that, but there is more to social media then just that. Social media is something that controls a big part of my life for the better and for the worse. When I think of social media I think of any platform where you are able to communicate with other people. It is helpful when it comes to being able to talk to my friends that I don’t normally talk to much at school as well as help me to communicate with classmates when I need help with homework. But social media does have its negative effects. Some nights I will stay up to late on my phone looking at social media causing for me to lose valuable hours of sleep. Other times I will say just five more minutes of looking at Instagram which leads to me spending 30+ minutes on my phone procrastinating and complaining about how much homework I have. With me I feel that social media also helps to catch up on people’s lives or create friendships with people that you’re too awkward to talk to in person. But the effects that social media have on people is a problem that is a worry for future generations. As I look around the world I see that children younger and younger are beginning to start social media before the “required” age. This problem is leading to younger people becoming reliant on social media much faster. This in turn effects how they think based on what they see online. To conclude I am worried that as time goes on future generations will become worse and worse as their range of thinking lessens due to over exposure to social media.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your claim about how there are different effects of social media on people. I also waste hours on social media or YouTube and it makes it harder for me to do my homework and it steals time from my sleep. I also agree how younger people are starting to get exposed to social media and it starts to become a problem when they are always on it. I think we have dug too far into this pit and it would be very hard to climb out of it.
