Shoes are something that we use everyday and some would even consider them to be a basic need. However there is a world of shoes that has yet to be discovered by most people. If you ask five different people what they think of shoes they will all give you a different answer, this also goes with asking some people whats the most they would be willing to pay for a pair of shoes. Within this world there lives people who are willing to pay an observed amount of money in order to buy certain pairs of shoes. Some shoes will go for more than 20,000 dollars on certain reselling sneaker websites like stockx, goat, and grailed. All of these sites are places where people go in order to buy and sell shoes. The shoes that are bought are shoes that were already bought by people but resold for more money. Some people don't understand why this is a thing or that it is unfair. However when you want a pair of shoes that sells out in under a minute people will flip the price and raise it up a lot knowing that there are many people that are willing to pay high prices. Also people will sell shoes that are a lot older which is why they are able to sell them for more because they are no longer available to buy. But this is the live of many people. there are people that will camp out over night in order to get certain pairs of shoes knowing that there are people that will want to buy the shoes from them. Not all shoes are this hyped but there is a world where these shoes are able to exist.
I agree with you that there is a whole other world of sneakers and buying, selling, and trading. I know many people don't understand why a sneaker head like us would pay so much over retail for a shoe, but they don't get the hype. the history, and the rarity behind each shoe. I myself am i fan of StockX because everything sold through them is hand verified that they are real they have the most reasonable prices for not only shoes, but clothing and accessories.
ReplyDeleteI liked how you talked about how the culture around buying and selling hyped shoes doesn't make sense to a lot of people because it doesn't make sense to spend so much money on shoes. I think that this topic is a good example because if we look at the needs we have talked about in class because flipping hyped shoes can be both the need for association (wanting to associate with the stars and brands that make these shoes) and the need for prominence and autonomy (wanting to be one of a small number who actually get the shoes). Overall, this was a good blog and I liked the issue you chose to talk about.