This may be a touchy subject to some, however I thought it would be a cool topic to talk about. Can money really buy happiness? Some people might say hands down yes of course money can buy happiness. When you have so much money that you can buy whatever you want you are guaranteed to be happy. But I say otherwise, money has its limits and not all things can be obtained with just money. Yes you can buy lots of nice cars, houses, fancy dinners, and whatever exotic trip you want but nothing will ever be enough. You will establish a desire for more things with higher and higher prices. But once you have so much you will stop appreciating all the small things, like getting ice cream with a family member or loved one. Everything will just be taken for granted because you have no worries now that you can have whatever it is that you want. From time to time something will put a smile on your face and make you happy but that wont last. Science says that happiness can only be bought up to a certain extent. After you make more than $75,000 for your annual salary then your happiness from which is bought by money will have peeked and will only level out from there. So to conclude yes money can buy happiness, but not for a infinite amount of time.
I think this is a super interesting topic. To say that money doesn't buy happiness is a phrase most likely used by the more socioeconomically priviledged, as the stress and anxiety reguarding money is probably not something they can empathize with strongly. I realy like your exploartion of this, and I can understand how happiness levels would eventually plateau even as money levels increased.