Sunday, April 21, 2019

Politics and the English Language

Image result for george orwell writing rules

I agree with most aspects of what George Orwell has to say about reading and writing through the generations. I feel that over time some people have become worse with their writing skills, but others have definitely become better. Over time people have become lazier when it comes to their writing. I also agree with him with the fact that "language is a natural growth and not an instrument which we shape for our own purpose". I agree with this because our idea of what is the right and wrong way of writing is all determined by what we read and how we see other people writing. When we see other people writing and we like the way they do it we will try to do it in the same way. however when we like someone else's writing and it is actually not a good way of writing this makes our own writing worse. This in turn leads for people that like our method of writing to start writing in the same bad way that we are. For these reason I agree with what George Orwell says in his writing however I feel that he does contradict himself in his own writing. At certain parts of his own writing he does stuff that goes against everything that he believes in. This causes me to become partially confused to whether or not he understands what he is even saying.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you are saying because common metaphors that we pick up and use make us sound less intelligent. When we use words that are big and long, it makes us seem like we are just forcing it, which does not make us seem any smarter. I also agree that it is confusing because George Orwell says to follow these rules, but he himself breaks them in his own writing, which is kind of ironic.
